Want the free Mr Bubbles comic book? Its quite easy to get.

Send an e-mail to : pyroicecube@yahoo.com

And give me your name & address.

If you want to be reaaaally cool, you could send me some donations. I only ask for them because I need to cover book printing expenses, and the cost of stamps. If you could, I also need stamps & 5x9 envelopes. Also, if you have anything else lying about, I'll take that, too. I'll even send you something special (probably random, and probably pretty cool.) Anyone who sends anything gets a free Mr Bubbles 1" button. If you have anything, send it to:

809 North Ave
Waukegan, IL 60085

The Mr Bubbles book is 24 pages of actual comics, with a pink cover, and 1 advertisement on the back. Its copied at the local copy shop, but for the price, its not bad, right?

Why am I giving this out for free? Well, too many cartoonists these days charge obscene prices for their materials. Its not a great sacrifice for a cartoonist to distribute this stuff for free. Don't believe anything else. A few donations go a loooong way. Also, I can send this book out to whoever I want, and they may possibly give it to someone else, and everyone is happy.

If you want bulk copies, go down to the copy-shop and do-it-yourself.

I hope to continue making books like this and distro'ing them for free. Thanks for all the support!


Smashing the state one fascist at a time,
-chris 'c'

the life and times of mr bubbles is hosted by keenspace